ISO and Shutter Speed
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ISO 100, Shutter Speed 1/10
This looks really grainy and when it zooms in more it just looks messy.
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ISO 200, Shutter Speed 1/20
This still looks grainy and when magnified still looks messy, but not as messy as the one above.
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ISO 400, Shutter Speed 1/40
its starting to look less grainy and a lot better than other ones.
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ISO 800 Shutter Speed 1/80
it looks a lot better than the ones above and is starting to look more clearer.
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ISO 1600 Shutter Speed 1/160
it is starting to look blurry now, but it looks a lot better than the first which was really grainy.
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ISO 3200 Shutter speed 1/320 Again like the one above this is starting to become more blurry and doesn't show as much detail.
Overall i would for a dark place i would choose between ISO 400 and ISO 1600 as i think they gave the best results for this
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